Digital guides of historical houses through creative QRcodes

Digital guides of historical houses through creative QRcodes

Information about the history of houses digitally available by reading a QR code with a smartphone. QR codes can be done in very creative ways, they don’t have to look boring (ex: , ), every house could make one with its own style or have the same for all. Try reading the QR code in the image here to see a rough draft!


The advantages over a physical info board are: easy to have and add more languages; a web page can contain more text and photos; it can provide audio files for listening to the history while watching the houses. It is also easier to put in place compared to a bigger, physical board. Ideal for both preserving the history of the town and for sharing it with visitors.

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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